Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well, what a word to ponder...

What is 'perfect'?

Searching the word in google, bang came around 580,000,000 pages. But still I m paralyzed to understand its definition. If you are going to do some historical check, the words origin gives you a different picture from what it is used for.

Now, dont b misguided that I m trying to open english literature classes here...the word seems so profound yet lilttle existent around me..I was sub conscuiosly pulled to look out for its origin.

Coming back to the topic

I havnt ever come across a niether situation whr the fairy tales seems to b playing the grnd as in disney movies nor hollywood I havnt still seen the perfect end anytime...

whrevr I put my eyes one seems to be satisfied arnd me, including me...nuthng more....everyone needs more thn the present more....all I c is frustration, denial, fear, anguish, helplessness...whtevr I hav heard or seen...seems to hav a tinge of below expectation dissatisfaction...

Dont mistake this as happiness, you can still b happy in a non perfect situation...

Looking up for tht perfect world...."Picture abhi baakhi hai mere dost"

to b continued...